My Story


Some of my earliest memories include seeing and communicating with spirit. As a child, like many people, I was very open to the things around me that could not be explained. I began to see figures and shadows around the age of 4 or 5 and eventually was also able to smell, hear and feel those beings around me. Through years of practice, I have honed the ability to communicate with these beings and decipher the messages spirit sends to me.

I am able to translate those messages, words, smells, sounds, and images into a common relatable language that we can understand.  

I believe my calling in life is to connect living souls to those that have crossed over and to help people build their own intuitive gifts. Through my Mediumship skills, and working with my intuition, I am able to share memories, stories, and guidance to help souls progress in their life or come to terms with the loss of a loved one.  I also use those same Mediumship skills to help people use their own intuition in their home lives, family lives and work lives to become more understanding people and leaders. Whether you lead a company, or your home, tapping into our intuition makes us better at everything we do.

This work is not something I take lightly; I am blessed to be able to share this with the world around me.